Ryanair review by Peter 2014-06-21

    June 21, 2014

    I flew from Dublin to Madrid on 19 June 2014. Prior to the flight I was unable to print my boarding passes from the Ryan Air website due to website crashes, so I had to pay 15 euros a ticket to have the agent print them at the airport. Upon boarding in Dublin, a flight attendant removed my carryon from the overhead which had a laptop, ipad and kindle in it, in order to put someone else’s bag in it’s place. He then tried to cram mine into a different overstuffed overhead and shove the door shut. I had to stop him before he broke anything. He then accused me of having too big of a bag and told me to put it under my seat. I was flabbergasted. This same man later on in the flight bowled over my wife as she was carrying our 1 year old to the bathroom. She landed in another traveler’s lap. To add insult to injury, even though the flight was full, they somehow gave an off duty flight attendant traveling on holiday an entire 3 seat row to herself and let her deboard separately from the rest of the passengers and use a jetway while the rest of us deboarded outside in the rain onto the tarmac. This’ll be the last time I use Ryanair.