Qantas review by Brent 2014-06-02

    June 02, 2014

    I am a long suffering Qantas FF, who has stayed loyal despite the unravelling service and deteriorating Qantas flight experience. Recently flew to Hong Kong and return and I am now ready to walk. Same tired and confused menu from a year ago. Message to Qantas – the Neil Perry influence is not a positive. Please put more mainstream meals back on the menu. As for the breakfast, what a joke. I was in business so can only imagine what the poor sods down the back were fed. Qantas is clearly no longer a full service airline in the traditional sense of the concept. You have to do more than simply tick the boxes, you have to also come up with the goods. Aircraft are either old and basic, or new and basic. Absolutely no frills on the Qantas aircraft, they need to check out Singapore Airlines and heaven forbid, Emirates.