Peach Air review by Peter 2014-12-28

    December 28, 2014

    Peach 🙁 NEVER AGAIN. Okinawa – Taipei. Nov 10 2014. They let us waiting for a flight and every hour kept saying that the flight will be late. After about 5 hours they announced: flight is CANCELED. Everyone had to go back thru immigration. (what if it was somebody`s last day of visa?) Than we could either claim money back or fly another day. I decided to take next day, which was full, so I had to stay in Jap. for another two days. Btw. the first and also the second time I tried to take the flight, I was asked for showing the staff a ticket from Taipei to another country, or they would not let me aboard. …. That would be a topic for another pretty long story. I even called the police and the next time I really had to push one of the staff who physically did not want to let me on the plane. So even if I had a ticket from Okinawa to Taipei, they still did`t let me go on the board. I made it, but you rather not try. … but can you imagine it? they would let me just stay in jap. without anything, just because they had to obey some stupid company`s rule…. I am just tired of being a Sheep citizen and obey any nonsense rules created by private companies. The japs seem to be nice people, well until something serious or new appears. Than they start behaving like warriors. Seriously. They always smile, but inside are cruel and rude. If you need more details, my email is [email protected]