Norwegian review by Don 2016-01-12

    January 12, 2016

    We have flown Norwegian a number of times now. Pricing is easier if you purchase Econnomy+. Mostly good travelling other than typically late departures and inconsistent staff experiences. Mostly rude, at best neutral.
    On our last flight Oakland to Stockholm, both ways were horrendous. Particularly noteworthy was the flight home. Delayed almost 4 hours in Stockholm, in the gate boarding area, so no purchases of food or water available. Hot, cramped and no water, some of the older passengers fainted. No news on what the delay was for hours, then a series of increasingly dubious claims and promises. Finally, we were boarded onto a substitute charter air carrier, EuroAtlantic. Ancient 777-200. Horrifying takeoff. Once airborne discovered only two restrooms were functioning – a full plane and 10+ hour flight to go. The meal was served. Then, no service. No water or other refreshments available, even for purchase. The crew was ok though had no real tools to help people be more comfortable. No in-flight entertainment other than the location map projected onto the bulkhead. The engine sounded like it kept powering down and, watching the location map showing airspeed and elevation, it appeared we were losing elevation and speed whenever that happened. The crew merely suggested that “yes. it happens sometimes”. The landing at Oakland was the worst landing I’ve ever experienced there. Late arrival meant smaller staff at Customs – added another 2 1/2 hours to the trip. We may fly Norwegian again, but not if we can find another carrier within a few hundred dollars of their price. It seems like a crap-shoot whether it all works out o.k. with Norwegian. Too bad. Doesn’t seem like it has to be that way. Something wrong at the top of the organization or a flawed business plan. Or both.

    EDITORS COMMENT: The only positive that I can draw from this flight is that you arrived back safely and that thankfully the normal dreamliner that flys this route normally is a lot better!