Cape Air review by Kelly 2013-07-11

    July 11, 2013

    I wish I could remember the pilot’s name; he was delightful! I am a somewhat fearful flier, so the idea of flying on a Cessna 402 was daunting. However, upon boarding, all my fears flew out the (open) window as we taxied for departure from Boston. I’ve never flown a plane this small in my life (Big step) and didn’t know what to expect. I was amazed at the power once the engines were engaged for takeoff…smooth takeoff, glorious flight from Boston to Provincetown (if you’re going up on a shopping trip..much better idea than driving…trust me)
    The flight lasted an amazingly short 29 minutes…I could have flown with this guy for hours!!!!
    I’ll definitely fly Cape Air again…soon, hopefully.