Arik Air review by Adina 2014-05-10

    May 10, 2014

    11 hour delay. Which was horrible enough, except they failed, at every junction, to communicate with us. I’ve never seen an airport filled with so many workers who had no accountability for their jobs. Of course, I can assume they don’t get paid enough to even be held accountable, but unfortunately manager, “Ketsey”, stayed hidden away in his office while “Jerry” lied to our faces hour after hour. It was like nothing I’ve ever seen and, after 11 hours of promises, I asked for my bags and a refund. Jerry said, no problem, until we got back through passport control and then he told me he misunderstood me. I told him he was as incompetent as his airline and he threatened to hit me (I wish I was making this up), “Stating, if I start punching you I won’t be able to stop). Of course, thankfully, a five minute call to my credit card fixed that and good old Jerry was able to locate my bags after another hour and I was on my merry way back to my hotel.