American Airlines review by Ocean 2016-05-04

    May 04, 2016

    After our mid point flight was cancelled the desk agent shouted to everyone lining up that is was faster to take a card and call the 1-800 number.
    The rebooking the flight (for the next day) went fairly smoothly but when we transferred to another agent for help in finding a hotel, things went downhill.

    The agent’s sense of geography allowed her to offer us a nice hotel in Niagara falls (about an hour and a half from Toronto International). After a couple more failed attempts (but closer to the airport) we gave up and found one on our own.

    Grade for agent helping us with finding a hotel – F
    Grade for desk agent shouting at the lineup ‘No hotel vouches’ ‘Only going to say this once’ – F-

    Probability of taking American Air again (as close to zero as we can make it)