Air India review by Sanjay 2014-01-25

    January 25, 2014

    I have used Air India for my two trips in last 6 months for Sydney_Delhi Direct Flight. Air India has been in doldrums and huge financial losses for ages as its controlled by Govt.. bureaucrats and surviving on Govt subsidies & hand outs. Air India has been sleeping for too long and its still out of touch with current International standards. I do wish Air India to grow and flourish but its almost impossible task without dismantling it from top to bottom as its has been a white elephant which can no longer be trained.
    I was very excited about newly introduced direct flights with new Dream liners acquired by Air India, hoping its finally waking up to reality.
    Inside Plane:
    Even though planes are new , spacious, good legroom. Unfortunately 6 month old planes are falling apart too quickly, components are broken in toilets (taped with 3M tapes), In cabin Entertainment remote broken ( about 1 in 4), water seeping out of toilets on carpets, Tube lights dangling out from sides, service light not working or erratic ( not sure if they are switched off by staff), tray tables dirty and soiled, no much effort to collect rubbish during or end of flight. Basically looking after the plane is not a priority for the management / staff and I wonder what plane will look like in 2 years.
    Not much to watch / listen. very boring games . Average English / Bollywood movies..that only if your remote and headphone jack is working …
    Nothing exciting again..3/10 marks..if you are lucky to take off on will get a 1 quick round of drinks..followed by boring 1 or 2 choices of Indian meal..Staff will whack the meal on your tray table. Dont expect anything extra or different..As soon as meals are served you will see cabin crew coming at 100miles/hr with tea / coffee pots , even though you have just finished exploring the meal. By the time you finish your meal.. Sorry Tea / Coffee service has finished. Next is cabin crew back with trolleys to collect your trays even though half of the plane is still finishing their meals…
    Staff: Pilots : No updates / Announcements ..Once departing Delhi the plane was 2 hours late..Juts waiting for a passenger..Not sure which international airline waits for 1 passenger for 2 hours. Soo bloody annoying..And let me assure you its very regular thing with AI.
    Cabin Crew is uninterested, uncurtious , uncaring and rude..really rude. First / Business Class is mostly managed by old ugly ladies (apparently with good connections in AI) and I am sorry for First / Business class passengers who paid to tolerate them.

    Overall..hopeless and frustrating airline with no light at the end of tunnel for this airline. Its still plagued with same attitude and bureaucracy which has been responsible for AI downfall for last 50 years. AI is not going to learn, survive and improve unless its not left to fend for itself and compete with other airlines.
    Not travelling again any time soon.