Air Canada review by Mohamed 2015-12-25

    December 25, 2015

    I have been travelling half my life. I have tried over 15 airlines, I used to think Egypt air was the worst but nope, Air Canada just proved me wrong. First of all they told me the flight was overbooked and that I didn’t have a seat and they even told me I might have to pay for a seat :S. Most retarded thing I have ever heard, right before they closed the boarding a couple of guys were late so they let me in so I was just lucky I guess. Okay great now I’m on my way for a 4 hour flight, I noticed that they don’t provide meals, you actually have to buy your food with a credit card. I have never seen that before in my life. Even the alcoholic drinks are to be paid for. The chairs were small and of course no screens were to be found. To actually gain access to entertainment on this horrible flight, you would have to connect to the network on the plane with your phone or laptop, then choose a movie/song/documentary and again pay for it with your credit card. They didn’t provide us with any headsets/blanket/pillow just nothing really. So finally I landed at my destination and my luggage was nowhere to be found, I wasn’t angry since I somehow knew this was going to happen. Welcome to AC.