Aussie Fisherman DID NOT Find MH370 Wing

March 01, 2024
MH370 (MR0) in Perth, Western Australia. Credit Alan Pepper

The Aussie fisherman Kit Oliver could not have found the wing of MH370 off the coast of South Australia near the town of Robe.

Given the almost certain location of MH370 – 1500km west of Perth – ocean currents have taken all the debris to African shores. In the ten years since its loss, no debris has washed up in Australia.

Sadly, millions of pieces of junk are floating in the Oceans, some quite large, which almost certainly were caught in his nets. Some of the debris looks like it came from an aircraft but often it has come from small boats.

The facts speak for themselves. Authorities have 8 items from both the left wing and the right wing and in both cases items from the inboard (close to the fuselage) and the outboard (away from the fuselage) according to MH370 expert and aerospace engineer Richard Godfrey. All of which was recovered in the western Indian Ocean islands or Africa.

From the left wing, we have the:

Left Flaperon Wing Trailing Edge Panel – Inboard – ATSB Australia – Highly Likely – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix G page 777 to 783.

Left Outboard Aft Flap Section – Outboard – ATSB Australia – Confirmed  – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix H page 784 to 786.

From the right wing, we have the:

Right Flaperon Structure – Inboard – BEA France – Confirmed – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix A page 496 to 751.

The flaperon from MH370 found on La Réunion Island in June 2015.

Right No.7 Flap Fairing 676EB – Outboard – ATSB Australia – Almost Certain – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix B page 752 to 756.

Right Outboard Flap Inboard Section – Outboard – ATSB Australia – Confirmed – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix O page 811 to 815.

Right Wing Body Fairing – Inboard – ATSB Australia – Highly Likely – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix P page 816 to 819.

Right Aileron – Outboard – MOT Malaysia – Highly Likely – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix V page 842 to 848.

Right Wing No. 7 Flap Support Fairing – Outboard – MOT Malaysia – Highly Likely – Malaysian Ministry of Transport Safety Investigation Report Appendix W page 849 to 857.

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Mr Godfrrey said that “these items have all been analysed by either the ATSB in Australia, BEA in France or the Ministry of Transport in Malaysia.

“And these items are still in the possession of either the ATSB in Australia, BEA in France or the Ministry of Transport in Malaysia.”

All told, over 40 pieces of debris have been found from MH370 and all of it came ashore on the western shores of the Indian Ocean on the African coast and adjacent islands.

Given the almost certain location of MH370 about 1500km west of Perth, Western Australia, it is not possible for debris to come ashore in Australia because of the flow of the ocean currents in the Indian Ocean.

Probable location of MH370