Free e-book: Green Wings

by staff
May 12, 2014

Aviation is making extraordinary gains in fuel efficiency as it strives to lower its environmental footprint.
According to Airbus between 2000 and 2011 airline passengers numbers increased 53 per cent yet fuel demand only increased 3 per cent.

This is just one of hundreds of impressive facts contained in a new book Green Wings, released free through Apple iTunes/app store on Tuesday May 13.

Written by one of aviation’s most experienced teams the book takes the reader on an amazing journey of discovery according to co-author Geoffrey Thomas.
“There is, in our view, so much misinformation about aviation’s true effect on climate change and the industry’s supposed lack of efforts to curb emissions that when the truth does eventually emerge, it is barely recognizable,” said Mr Thomas.
“The public is being made to feel guilty about flying and the aviation industry has been portrayed as an environmental vandal.”
“But the book shows that aviation’s impact on the environment has been distorted, overestimated and misconstrued, and the impact of future technology on reducing emissions has been grossly understated,” said Mr Thomas.

The book flags an increasing role for biofuels which will play a large part in the reduction of the emissions footprint of aircraft, either by contributing less to atmospheric CO2, or through the absorption of CO2 in the production of these fuels.
“But make no mistake: our climate is changing, prompting highly-respected journals Time, The Economist and National Geographic to dedicate special issues and features during 2012 on the subject,” said Mr Thomas.
Time stated: “The debate over whether Earth is warming up is over. Now we are learning that climate disruptions feed off one another in accelerating spirals of destruction. Scientists fear we may be approaching the point of no return.”
The book highlights that aviation is critical to world economies, particularly for developing nations and says that anyone who suggests for one moment that it is the province of the rich has not traveled for a very, very long time.

Mr Thomas adds that commercial aviation is not the pariah in the world’s environmental problems. “In fact, it could be well argued that if every industry had made the progress in cutting emissions that aviation has then there would be no problem,” said Mr Thomas

Get your free copy of Green Wings  from the app store on i tunes