Have Your Say

    Vernon of Australia

    May 20, 2016

    Regarding yesterday’s (19th May 2016) Egyptair’s crash report, you have the headline, “Terrorism seems the most likely cause of today’s tragic crash says aviation expert”.

    At this early stage of these unfortunate proceedings no reasonable person could make such a statement.

    Who exactly is this expert ? The report says he is an Airline Ratings person. I hope this is not the case. If so, in my opinion, it makes the reliability of Airline Ratings other assessments extremely suspect.

    Editors' Comment

    Our expert is Geoffrey Thomas who also works with CNN, the BBC, News World Asia and Jerry Chandler who has been in talks with the NTSB in America and Pratt and Whitney (engine manufacturers) . No one has said that terrorism is the cause but when the experts look at the facts that we do have, the evidence thus far does strongly point in that direction. Those that work in aviation everyday (and have for decades) including those that work in aviation safety, are in a position to make such predictions and I stress that they are predictions - not confirmations.