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    Vern of Australia

    March 12, 2014

    In your article, “Searchers can’t find 777 …………..” you state that, in relation to the Japan Airlines crash, “The repair performed by Boeing was not completed correctly and eventually failed on August 12, 1985 ripping away the 747’s tail.”
    I don’t believe this is correct. The cabin pressure bulkhead failed, not a portion of the empennage. If the tail “had been ripped away” then the 747 would have crashed immediately. As it was, the crew struggled with the aircraft for a considerable time. The aircraft had no operating flight controls, due to failures of the hydraulic systems brought about by fluid loss. This in turn was caused by the ruptured bulkhead severing hydraulic lines.

    Editors' Comment

    The vertical tail was ripped away when the rear pressure head failed and yes the hydraulic lines were also severed. A tragic accident.