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    Susan of Australia

    December 16, 2015

    I am looking at travelling to Koh Samui in Thailand but all trips involve a flight with Bangkok Air which is listed with ‘Operations concerns’. Can you clarify what this encompasses? Many thanks.

    Editors' Comment

    All airlines from the country of Thailand are under scrutiny at the moment from international aviation bodies. Whilst this is a worry it also means any shortfalls in their safety are being looked at and most importantly addressed. At the end of the day we can never guarantee anyone's safety, our ratings are there to show you who is taking the best measures to ensure you are safe so when traveling with a seven star airline for example you know that everything that can be done is being done. Despite these poor ratings for Thailand at the moment flying is still safer than getting in your car to go to work. With regards to what does 'operational concern' mean....this a term that encompasses a whole host of criteria and measures that we in the public simply aren't privy too.