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    Steven of Malaysia

    April 3, 2014

    The World pray MH370 is found.
    I hope is not a coincident and unrelated to NY Sept 11 (911)
    MH 370 = (3)March 7 (US time) when flight is on Mar8 (Malaysia time)?

    Let’s assume & imagine what happen that flight.
    1. Blackbox lifespan is 1month. (It could be less,spoilt)

    2. Pilot may not turn off transponder. Cockpit door open.
    Perhaps cabin crew or passenger nearest to door sparked
    an incident.Headphones were unplugged. So no way to call
    center? Some survivors could have jumped into sea,Lets hope
    they could be found. Hope no sharks out there.

    2. Flight uturn.Something was wrong.
    Could be fire on engine.fuel leakage.Sudden explosion.windows
    broke,bird hit plane or Ufo spotted or plane can be remotely controlled?

    3. Last data dissappear in Hindi Ocean.Ocean depth can be
    6km?Hugh wave bad weather couldnt have move the plane as far
    as 2500km from Aust. Plane is hugh,tons heavy,could be under
    sea. perhaps start search at uturn point and last coordinate
    it dissappear off radar? Think about pressure under sea.

    4.I was right.Objects found in Hindi ocean could be floated
    by bad weather from elsewhere. Lets study the air/water

    5. There is a show in HongKong called Unbelievable (Guai Kum in cantonese) where bunch of people look for ghosts,talk to spirits. The families should approach them for answers.

    6. Trackers should be installed in all planes, vehicles long ago. It’s so common that when an accident happen, people only then start to react. it proves that we only humans, eating salary day by day. I need a job.. anyone? Please contact me. I like to make life better 🙂

    7. Earth protect many endanger species. This may be the time we think twice about protecting sharks. Hope all passengers are safe if they are in the water.

    Never give up!