Have Your Say

    stev of New Zealand

    March 13, 2014

    Re QANTAS,

    Blaming Allan Joyce is to totally miss the point of the situation QANTAS finds it self in. The problems with the airline ( and the car makers for that ) are outdated management and industrial relations environment. The common thread going around is the carbon tax is destroying jobs, and in respect to QANTAS adding another layer of cost to an an already inefficient business. Yet no one blames the GST costing jobs and business shutdown when it was introduced. Business become lazy and arrogant when they know , some mug will bail them out. The 5000 or so job losses are needed, far too many people doing the work for what is needed. Upper levels of QANTAS must go, and resources directed to where the profits are best made.

    Bad business decisions havent help . like keeping outdated 747 , when 777 is so far more efficent

    What we see here is a lazy and bloated business ( QANTAS) and others, asking for government hand outs or export protection to insulate them from the realities of a global economy. Ask yourself, dosen’t QANTAS make money?. Its not the fuel . they have no control over that, the planes are leased , the terminals are leased , what the airline have control of is wage costs. Air NZ made a profit, how? they also operate in the same global world with the same challengers every other airline faces. What it is, is Australian industrial law is the problem. Wages and conditions have to drop in Australia as a whole ( not just QANTAS ) by 30% min to compete with the world.

    If you don’t touch wages then stupid conditions attached to business have to go, such as leave loading , double time, triple time , heat allowance, height allowance , noise allowance, layer upon layer of outmoded conditions that drag the value down from the effort put in , has to go. QANTAS can function without these 5000, so i goes to show just how bloated it is.
