Have Your Say

    stev of Australia

    April 3, 2014

    To suggest the a MA 370 aircraft just landed defies all logic. It has certainly NOT landed on a ” REMOTE” grass runway as some suggest or landed at a prearranged airport. If more commentators researched the subject on that type of aircraft they wil see the length of the runway and width are critical , as is the surface its will land on. A 777 will need a min of 11000 ft and at least a min of 60 feet wide to accommidate its width, add to that the sheer weight of the aicraft and you will need a surface that is able to take the weight and not allow the undercarrage to dig itself in to the runway surface and crash. The issue being that many runways are formed using many different compositions , make this important including its MPA rating.

    It is totally inconceivable in this day and age that a aircraft the size of a 777 can just fly anonymously over parts of Asia and land and not be noticed, especially with all the interest over the TV and internet. This aircraft had intelligent human intervention , with a purpose, to place it in the direction they are suggesting and looking.

    The motivation of the person or persons controlling the aircraft are in doubt, what is not in doubt, is after 3 weeks this aircraft has crashed, and the less uniformed speculation on how this has happened , the better.

    Rubbish reporting and sensationalist speculation by parts of the media does nothing to help and only make the relatives lives waiting for a resoluion all the more unbearable.