Have Your Say

    Stev of Australia

    March 26, 2014

    Edmund, your argument is not unreasonable in the context of the example. It should be noted that the average weight of the passengers is just that, an airline industry standard and not an ” actual “.
    The weight of the passengers and bag weight have gone in an upward trend and this has been reflected in the CASA and CAA reviewing the ” average weight ” since the 2003.
    The bigger question is , should ” ALL” airlines world wide implement an ” ACTUAL WEIGHT” ie the passenger.
    But this is about averages and heavier passengers are counteracted by lighter passengers etc etc.
    Take for example, 300 female passengers with bags is not the same as 300 male passengers with bags , the variations in passenger makeup on a flight is enough to average out the peaks and troughs of individual weights.
    If actual weights are not used then an average will be used based on modern and updated figures.
    I found it interesting that an airline is weighing the passengers for true weight, great idea but i would have prefered the weights obtained would be for the safety of the aircrafts CG not fuel usage, it should be applied to removing passengers and reducing weight which would reduce fuel usage.

    Still, I agree with you, an average is only as good as the sample you take it from