Have Your Say

    Rhys of Australia

    June 12, 2013

    I’d really like you to list in the Airline and Safety section for each airline when they have had crashes or incidents and what the outcomes were. For example I recall incidents over the years with Garuda, Lion Air, Kenya Airways, Merpati etc and yet when I go onto those sites I see a low rating by no detailed explanation of why. Customers would really want to know if they have had crashes and when so they can make an informed decision on whether they want to fly with them.

    EDITORS COMMENT: Thank you Rhys for your suggestion. On average, there are 20 incidents per day thankfully almost none of these results in accidents and fatalities. It would be impossible for us to maintain an accurate data base for all 425 airlines with a detailed explanation . If you click on the numerical safety rating for each airline (i.e. the number not the stars) the safety rating criteria is explained in detail. If you ever want more specific information as to how an airlines safety rating was achieved please email us at [email protected] and we will be happy to assist. Thank you for your feedback and keep it coming.