Have Your Say

    Randall of United States

    January 6, 2016


    Qantas had eight fatal accidents and an aircraft shot down between 1927 and 1945, with the loss of 63 people. Half of these accidents and the shoot-down occurred during World War II, when the Qantas aircraft were operating on behalf of Allied military forces. Post-war, it lost another two aircraft with the loss of 17 lives. To this date, the last fatal accident suffered by Qantas was in 1951.

    With all do respect to Qantas their record is better than most, however they are far from accident free.

    Editors' Comment

    We never said they were accident free, in fact we don't think there is an airline that's truly accident free. What happened even 10 years ago is irrelevant to our safety ratings for today because company culture, aircraft and technology changes so much that what caused a crash years ago wouldn't cause it today.