Have Your Say

    John of Australia

    September 17, 2014

    Why does Australian airports at the Security Checks make it so hard for people with replacement parts IE. knee replacement. My travelling out of Australia since having a knee replacement has been hell. Perth has to be the worse one (I live in Perth) They are never organized, have to find some-one to do the over all check etc. I noticed in Darwin last week, they have notices asking people with any replacement parts to let people know. International travel is way better. Out of Perth they have the all over check screening system, far less trouble. At international airports like Changi in Singapore, you just walk through, the system makes a noise, you tell them what part of you is the problem, then scan you. All so simple. Its high time Australian Airport did something to treat people with replacement parts alittle better. I think now a days there a lot of people out there with “replacement parts’ I travel about six times a year, give or take.