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    Johan of Australia

    January 8, 2016

    Mr Thomas told us in the Western Australian that CASA (Australian’s Civil Aviation Safety Authority) is the safest and most stringent in the world. Yet, after a horrific crash on 28 December 2014 of Indonesian Asian Airlines X, in which 268 people died, it was exposed that there were severe safety issues in this company. After that the company unsuccessfully tried to change their name, but the European safety authority did not allow this airline anymore to fly to Europe. If CASA was such a safety-first organization, why would they then allow 12 flights per day low over the most densely populated areas of Perth, a million inhabitant city. There is plenty of desert around Pert, yet to save some fuel, even these flying unsafe planes are allowed to take paths from Joondallup to Canning vale to Beechboro and the northern suburbs.
    It is not about safety. it is about getting as many companies flying to our cities and take the most dangerous routes to save a few litres of fuel.

    Editors' Comment

    You make a good point but to be fair, CASA have blocked lots of other Indonesian airlines from flying in to the country. I think the comments re flight paths aren't really suitable as lfying is still the safest form of transport -more people die on bicycles that are hit by cars than die on planes every year but we don't push cars or bicylces out around the desert.