Have Your Say

    Jean-Marie of Australia

    May 13, 2015

    In your last article about meals on board you mentionned the weight economy by serving economy meals in plastic trays and plastic cuttlery. If the airlines are so keen on saving on weight, why is it that they serve dinners when their flights are leaving late at night, which is most of intercontinental flights? Take off at around 10pm, meals served at around 11:30pm, cleared at 01:00am! As far as I am concerned I never have dinner after 9pm, who does? I usually have dinner at home.. Imagine if the airline offered the option to have dinner when you book online? It would then know how many meals to take… certainly less than 300 trays+drinks! That’s some weight saving. And believe me.. breakfast would then be really welcome, for I forgot: dinner trays cleared by 1am.. wake up 3 to 4 hours later to prepare for breakfast, etc etc..
    My other concern is the choice of foods one can opt for dietary or religious reasons. I have noticed that all airlines from Islamic countries enforce halal food. Other airlines, asian, european, american, put halal in the same category as kosher and hindu, thus giving the choice. No … christian menu..? Some Middle Eastern airlines will not even include kosher as a religious option but as an “other”… I therefore do dot fly on middle eastern airlines anymore.

    Editors' Comment

    Its all part of the full service package but not a bad idea!