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    Jason of France

    April 5, 2014

    The comment below I posted few days ago on a prominent financial publication unaware of the existence of websites such as airlineratings.com

    While ICAO and IATA are busy sorting themselves out consumers the world over should react first and form associations aiming to scrutinize and grade the standards of world airlines; their financial status, active flight tracking type of equipment and subscriptions, ongoing security check procedures for flight crew, ground crew and passengers, airport security, etc… From the outset Malaysian Airlines met none of these basics but they are still allowed to operate Airbus 380 equipment with 500 passengers on board.

    The information and ratings should be become freely available over the web, and made mandatory for airlines, travel associations and travel agents to inform their customers when purchasing a ticket providing a hard copy of both ratings and information with the ticket. Rather travel with a stop over in the Antarctic on a safe airline than on direct flight on an almost bankrupt airline with no active ACARS subscription. Madness!

    I suggest that airlineratings.com add the following detailed information

    – Airline financial information such as shareholders (public or private), profitability
    (not detailed financial statements)
    – Airline active flight tracking type of equipment and subscription(s).
    – Airline ongoing flight and ground crew personality checks.
    – Airline passenger checks rating
    – Airport security and safety ratings per airport (as for airlines)
    – Airport passenger checks rating (including Interpol checks)

    Editors' Comment

    Thanks for this. They are all great suggestions but we need to keep or ratings assessment system and information based on factors that are not subject to bias. To get all the above from all the airlines and take into account the different systems used and different legislation and culture would result in ratings and information that just weren't measurable across the board. having said this - watch this space- as we have some exciting new things coming out that benefit the safety and well-being of passengers right around the globe