Have Your Say

    Genevieve of Australia

    January 7, 2015

    Geoffrey Thomas, you raved about Etihad first class on TV yesterday, to the point that the host of Sunrise asked you if you were getting paid to promote them. You didn’t answer the question. Now we see your site is full of Etihad ads. Should you not have declared a conflict of interest? How can we trust your opinion?

    Editors' Comment

    Anyone that sees the Etihad first class would rave about it. We have many airlines that advertise on the site - you just don't see them all as they don't all advertise in Australia ( remember we are a global site) and the reality is that the best airlines are the ones that do a lot of promotion because they can afford to so from time to time we are going to be talking about advertisers on our site - it's unavoidable. We are all about promoting new exciting innovation in in-flight product and Etihad's is pretty exciting so definitely deserves to be talked up whether they advertise or not. I can assure you there is no conflict of interest - we simply don't agree with that and we don't need to do it.