Have Your Say

    Fred of United Kingdom

    November 30, 2015

    I noticed Air New Zealand is classed on here as a full service airline yet, on its internal and trans-Tasman services it has a multi-tier pricing policy that means a hot meal and a free drink are optional extras, along with checked baggage. Not really what I’d class as full service, especially given the much more cramped cabins and reduced amenities on its long-haul flights. This expat no longer flies them of choice, in steerage class Emirates is way better.

    Editors' Comment

    Every passenger on the routes you mention above has the choice to travel full service if they wish. The fact that Air New Zealand offer passengers the choice to travel low cost or full service on the same aircraft is testament to their innovation and forward thinking to ensure they appeal to all customers. No matter how you choose to travel though, the option to watch free in flight entertainment, rest with a blanket and pillow and be served water tea and coffee certainly places them outside the low cost carrier class even when they are offering low cost type travel tickets.