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    Brett of Australia

    May 4, 2014

    You have done a number of articles on Qantas and their ongoing issues. The main problem here seems to be the management particularly Joyce who has lead the airline down the toilet.
    Firstly why is he still here, the board and he all deserve to go and quickly before things get worse. Secondly ” Airline Ratings” has avoided the subject of how old the Qantas fleet is becoming with all the cancellations of new aircraft. Lets have a story on this please.

    Editors' Comment

    The average age of the Qantas fleet is 9.7 years and 8.5 years for Qantaslink. This is not an old fleet by any stretch. The average age is only going to get younger too as more 747s and 767s are retired. We have written a lot of articles about Qantas but we don't feel that Joyce is the problem. In fact we attribute the problems with Qantas to poor aircraft choices in the 90's, a lack of innovation in in-flight comforts such as in flight entertainment, extremely high wages, huge international competition in Australia which have a much lower operating cost and the Qantas sales act meaning the airline can not have much investment from foreign owned airlines like Virgin Australia can have. There is no denying that the problems at Qantas are complex and deep but it is the company as a whole that are responsible for fixing it - Joyce is just trying to deal with what he was left from previous management in a changed aviation environment that is full of low cost carriers, government funded airlines and record fuel prices. This article may be of interest https://www.airlineratings.com/news.php?s&id=184