Have Your Say

    Ben of Australia

    March 29, 2014

    How could investigators be so blinded sometimes. From Day 1 of mh 370 news, it was so clear it was not a catastrophic explosion or fire as there was no debris in immediate and with such crowded airways and fishing boats / oil rigs in the South China Sea someone would have seen it. Then there is the deliberate switching off of ACARS and trasnponder and evation of radar. The only conclusion i drew from Day 2-3 was hijacking (by crew or passenger) or pilot suicide. Then the “general” news showed the plane turning anticlockwise to fly west. whereas Chinese news showed the plane turning clockwise through about 270degress to head west. remember thats all speculation as it was supposed to have disappeared from radar. No one has released data of the military radar. Are they looking at the correct “dot” ? Were they tricked again? Maybe another aircraft swapped transponder codes in midair (not impossible) if it was planned well. Inmarsat radar is also speculative. the possible area is really huge to the pacific.Look at flightradar 24. They would be nuts to fly west through busy airways etc. It would be easier to fly east towards southern phillipines , borneo or the pacific if they wanted to steal a plane. Quiet and out of reliable radar coverage. And its a rebel stronghold. But too late – they would have repainted the plane and destroyed the black box by now. Well. if the authorities would just keep an open mind.