Editorial Policy

The Board of Airlineratings.com recognises that it has a responsibility to develop and implement an editorial policy which will enable its website, to fulfil its role as part of “The Fourth Estate,” a cornerstone of our democracy.

The website is a commercial business, but the Board recognises it also has a role in political and judicial systems that other businesses do not.

While the Board’s imperative is to drive returns for shareholders, the Directors recognise the
website has a duty to its readers, the communities they serve and the freedom of the
press upon which our liberty depends.

The Directors also acknowledge that the rights and privileges extended to the website’s
journalists by a nation’s political and judicial institutions bring with them a duty to report the
workings of those institutions fairly and accurately in the public interest.

Fulfilment of this duty will require the website to appeal to the widest possible cross-section of their communities, to maintain the highest standards and traditions of journalism and the English language and to provide training in the skills and principles of journalism to young people.

The Board has therefore laid down broad parameters for the type of website it believes
will best meet this duty and has developed a set of ethical guidelines to follow.

This in no sense implies any interference by the board in the day-to-day running of editorial.
The Board of Airlineratings.com requires its journalists and editors to adhere to
principles of integrity, balance and fairness in all news gathering and presentation.
The Board expects its website to be probing, skeptical, honest, courageous and

Fact and comment should be clearly delineated in all news reports. Every possible step
should be taken to ensure the accuracy of reports and significant errors should be promptly

Any technological alteration of a visual image used in the website must be

No member of the editorial staff will be required to make an unwelcome intrusion on the
personal grief of another person.

The website should be engaged with communities and recognise their vital role in encouraging
the pursuit of excellence in all aspects of community life.

At the same time they should recognise disadvantage.

Commercial factors must not override editorial decisions.

Any member of the staff who accepts any inducement from any third party in relation to the
writing or presentation of a report or photograph will be instantly dismissed.

Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Freedom of the press is a tenuous concept in many countries. It is not enshrined in law and
depends almost entirely on public support. That support can only be diminished if the public
loses faith in the media as fair, honest and reliable sources of information.

Airline Ratings PTY Ltd.
Newspaper House, 50 Hasler Rd.
Osborne Park, 6017
Western Australia
Phone: +61 41 7936610
Email: [email protected]

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