The future of air travel has arrived!

September 02, 2015

The future of air travel has arrived – well at least in Auckland, New Zealand.

An App on your device or Apple Watch that inquires if you would like your usual coffee when you enter the lounge, biometric bag drop for international flights and electronic departure cards are just some of the technologies Air New Zealand is rolling out or has planned for its international and domestic passengers.

The airline which has been a leader in embracing technology to ease the travel journey has unveiled to a series of innovations that are all world firsts.

According to the airline’s General Manager Airports John Whittaker it’s all about “taking the hassle out of travel.”

International surveys have shown that the airport experience can be more stressful that driving a racing car.

Last decade Air New Zealand launched a series of world leading innovations such as bag drop and self-ticketing kiosks and is now focused on easing international travel which requires more – stress – levels of checking.

Later this year the airline will phase in the world’s first bio-metric bag drop whereby a reader will scan your passport and checks that you are who you say you are and then will process your bag.

The airline claims that will be the end of queues for international flights.

And in a bonus the system will also take a picture of your bag so if for some reason you don’t board your bag can be identified quickly by baggage handlers.

Next on the hit list is filling out the international departure card.

“We have most of the information that Customs want already in your booking,” said Mr Whittaker. “We are working with New Zealand customs to deliver that information to them for you.” The airline is hopeful that it can roll this technology out next year. 

After passing security if you’re heading for the lounge an Air New Zealand App will ask you if you would like your usual coffee. And when the barista has whipped up your chosen creation the App will let you know.

If your flight is delayed for any reason the airline has introduced interactive communication with your mobile or App to advise you and suggest alternatives which you can select or reject – even down to a refund! “That will eliminate a lot of the queuing resulting from a flight disrupt,” said Mr Whittaker.

Technology has also touched down for parents who need to send their children unaccompanied on a flight with communication to five interested parties at four major touch points of the journey.

The child wears a wrist band that is scanned when the child is handed over, when he or she boards, deplanes and then handed over to the guardian or parent at the end of the journey.

When all the projects – and there are a couple more under wraps – are rolled out Air New Zealand will have taken a giant step forward in reducing the stress levels at airports.